Have A Great Weekend Everyone ...
Friday night is a-looming,
The weather has been lovely,
I have a busy weekend ahead
Have a great weekend, all my blogging friends.
Take care,
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 4:34 pm 15 people shared their thoughts ...
I found this in the Melbourne Herald Sun today, and just had to share it ...
A little boy goes to his father and asks: "Daddy, how was I born ?"
The father answers: "Well, son, your mum and I first got together in a chat room on Yahoo.
"Then I set up a date via email with your mum and we met at a cyber cafe.
"We sneaked into a private room, where your mother agreed to a download from my hard drive.
"As soon as I was ready to upload, we discovered that neither one of us had set up a firewall, and it was too late to hit the escape key.
"Nine months later, a blessed little pop-up appeared: 'You've got male,' it said."
Now, isn't that just too cute !!!
Hope your day is going well.
Take care,
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 4:03 pm 34 people shared their thoughts ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 10:20 am 35 people shared their thoughts ...
Have a great day / night / week.
Take care,
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 8:43 pm 16 people shared their thoughts ...
Ooooh, I'm happy now !!! I have found another way to put music to my blog-site, using Ripway. It let me upload the song I wanted ... Tom Jones - What's New Pussycat ... and even put a control panel on, so that you can turn it off if you want to !! I have placed this on my sidebar, just under my Meow Cat, just above my Profile ... near the top, easy to find. I don't think it puts any ads or pop-ups on my blog when you open it ... once again, please let me know if it does. Thanks. Hope the music doesn't drive you too nuts !!! I like it ... it's fun !!!
Have a great day.
Take care,
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 3:59 pm 13 people shared their thoughts ...
Thank you, dear Blogger friends, for helping me make my decision (see previous post). It appears that some of you were getting pop-ups, some were not even getting the music (shame, it was cute !!), and other were OK. I don't want to continue annoying anyone with the pop-ups, so I have deleted the music. If anyone has any suggestions as to another method I can use, that doesn't create pop-ups, to put music on my blog, please let me know.
Thanks again.
Take care,
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 10:22 am 6 people shared their thoughts ...
Hmmmmm, I wonder if this is happening to everyone who visits me now ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 7:30 am 14 people shared their thoughts ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 8:33 pm 15 people shared their thoughts ...
Now, I'm not normally one to let off steam via my blog, but today I am ... so, here goes ....
As you all probably know, I have a cat called Bambi. We got Bambi as an 8 month old last September, and kept her inside for about a month and a half, in order to properly familiarise her with us and our home. I was hoping that she would remain an indoor cat, but having been a stray, she had already experienced "the big wide world". When we first let her out, it was very tentatively ... on her part and ours. It would only be for a few hours at a time, and we would constantly go out looking for her. Of course, she would be inside from dusk until dawn.
These days, she is still inside all night ... from dusk until dawn ... and is still really timid first thing in the morning when she wants to go out ... she won't even consider going out unless it is totally daylight. She sticks her little nose out the door, sniffs the air ... and if anything doesn't meet her satisfaction, she puts herself in reverse and comes right back again, only to try again an hour or two later. Well, this works fine for me ... she feels safe inside. She seems to prefer going out into the backyard, rather than the front yard.
Anyway, on to the reason I am so angry .... The neighbours over the road have a white cat called Max, who they have had for a number of years. He was a real nuisance with our old cat, Ratbag (who was a male cat, and very, very tough ... nothing four-legged could come on our property without being beaten to a pulp !!). I lost count on the dollars we spent on vet bills, when Ratbag came home with another cat-fight abcess. We lost Ratbag about a year before getting Bambi (he had lymphatic cancer ... he was 16 years old). During this time, perhaps Max took too many liberties, and felt safe visting our property ... there was no cat to beat him up !! We tried to shoo him away constantly.
On with the story ... This morning, Bambi did her sniff the air thing, decided it was safe, and went out the front door to do her thing. Being Sunday morning, I went back to sleep and dozed off. About 20 minutes later, I awoke to an awesome yelling and growling and screeching from a cat-fight. I jumped out of bed, ran out the front door calling Bambi, and chasing Max away (all this in a t-shirt nighty !!). Bambi came running inside ... poor little thing, she had peed herself, and reeked !! She appeared uninjured ... hope she gave Max a beauty, though !! She sat herself down to wash herself ... eeewww !! Poor little cat was terrified of everything for a good long while afterward. She is OK now, no injuries, and is outside playing again.
This rotten cat, Max, is constantly on our property ... I am always shooing him away. The owners don't give two-hoots about him ... all they do is feed him. He is never allowed inside (it is a rule here in Melbourne these days, that cats are to be locked inside at night), and is always looking dirty and scruffy. He seems to be stalking my poor Bambi ... not fair, really , that she can't feel safe in her own garden.
I got a female cat, this time, thinking that it would ensure no cat-fights, and no urine spraying. Who could figure that a male older cat would want to pick a fight with a young female ... don't cats live by the rules we humans do ... men don't (or at least shouldn't) hit females ??
Some people out there shouldn't have pets ... it's as simple as that.
There you go, I've said my piece. Let's change the subject ....
Hope your weekend is going well. Mine is plodding along ... I have been fiddling with my blog template (changing text color on the side bar, mucking around with the header, trying to put a picture background in the header ... no success yet, but will keep trying !), doing some scrapbooking, washing, reading (I finished a great Jonathon Kellerman book this morning), and generally having a relaxing time.
Take care, everyone ...
PS... I have added some music to my blog ... "The Dance of the Sugerplum Fairies" ... I thought it was cute. I really wanted "What's New Pussycat" by Tom Jones, but couldn't get it to upload. Please let me know if this one is reaaaallly annoying !!
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 11:44 am 29 people shared their thoughts ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 7:17 pm 27 people shared their thoughts ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 4:49 pm 22 people shared their thoughts ...
Wow, this appears to be my 100th post ... at least that's what Blogger Dashboard tells me !! I think that's pretty exciting, don't you ?!?!
Today is Wednesday 22nd March, 2006, in sunny Melbourne, Australia. We are expecting around 28ÂșC today, with the next few days forecast to be in the 30s ... a lovely extended Summer in my part of the world. The weather has been glorious for the Commonwealth Games ... Go Aussies !!
I got a lovely surprise when I went to my letter box yesterday ... a package from DayByDay. It is a gorgous package, with all sorts of wonderful goodies in it. Have a look ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 10:10 am 37 people shared their thoughts ...
As a follow up from my previous post about my weekend away, here is the video of the noisy White Cockatoos (or maybe they were Correllas, not sure !) I was telling you about. The video was done on my still digi-camera, so the quality is not brilliant, but I think you will get the idea ... the reason I wanted to share was so you could hear what we had to hear ... ALL DAY !!
The birds were really cute, though ... they were showing off to the camera (at least I reckon they were !!). I had to show it really small, as when it was bigger, it lost even more quality.
Anyway, this might drive you bonkers ... it goes for about a minute !! As I said, we had to put up with this noise all day !!! So much for a peaceful weekend !!
Enjoy !!!
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 1:45 pm 21 people shared their thoughts ...
Hi There ... We're Baaaack !!
We had the most gorgeous weekend ... let me tell you about it ...
We left home on Thursday morning, around 7.30am, in order to meet our friends at their place at 8.00am. We had an approximately 4 hour drive ahead of us ... not too long, not too short.
The weather was disgusting when we left home ... cloudy, rainy, cold. We were really worried that we would have to put up our tents in the rain ... not the most fun thing to do !!! However, as were continued to drive north, to our ultimate destination of Cobram, on the Murray River (The Murray River, part of which borders Victoria and New South Wales, is one of the longest navigable rivers in the world, stretching 2,700 kilometres from the mountains of the Great Dividing Range in north-eastern Victoria to journey’s end near Adelaide in South Australia), the weather gradually improved, until there was nothing but blue sky and sunshine !!! What a contrast to the weather we left behind !!
We arrived at Cobram, and our campsite on the river bank around lunch time, and then proceeded to assemble our tent, and other items. This didn't take too long, and then we were ready to relax. Aaaahhh, how beautiful ... nothing but a swiftly flowing river, sunshine (hopefully) and fresh air to contend with for the next few days. After we had settled, I phoned my mother at home in Melbourne ... the weather was atrocious, it was cold, and had begun to hail. Gosh, I was glad to be on the Murray !! Here's a photo of our camping set-up ...
Take care,
PS. Don't know if you are all watching, or even receiving coverage of, the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne. We have missed many of the events over the past few days, but the Aussie medal tally is amazing. What champions !!
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 8:47 pm 34 people shared their thoughts ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 1:28 pm 28 people shared their thoughts ...
I've been tagged by Kyahgirl for this one ... thanks, Kyahgirl !! It is very interesting, I had to think quite a bit about some of the answers !!
1. If you were to be re-incarnated, who or what would you want to come back as and why?
I think I'd like to come back as a cat (how predictable am I !?!?) I think cats have a wonderful life, no worries ... knowing that you will be fed twice a day, sleeping all day (wherever you like), chasing mice & birds, enjoying life. How wonderful it would be to snuggle up to your human every night, knowing they won't move, or kick you off, until you are ready to move yourself. To be pampered ... aaahhh, that would be the life.
2. What’s the nastiest thing you’ve ever done to a friend?
I don't really know that I have an answer to this one .... let me think about it and get back to you !
3. What is your FIRST memory (and don’t say ‘I can’t remember’)?
I don't know that I can remember much, if anything, before visiting Germany as a 9 year old. I have one particular memory about touching some plants, which were something like poison ivy ... boy do I remember that feeling !!!
4. What’s the most embarrassing thing you’ve ever done when pissed/blind drunk?
My husband and I were still "going steady" at this stage, and we had all been out to a friend's birthday party. The guys were encouraging me to drink rum (which I now no longer can even smell !!), and I drank it like a good little girl !! I remember we stopped at another friend's place on the way home, and another person and myself spent what felt like hours vomiting in the gutter outside the house. Eeewww, not the most elegant way to end an evening.
5. Your 3 best and worst qualities?
Best ... friendly, compassionate, loving
Worst ... interrupting people when they talk (sometimes), impatience (although not always), speaking too fast.
6. You can change one thing about your partner. What is it? And what is the thing you would NOT be happy to change about them?
Change ... I would like him to stop smoking !!
NOT Change ... I wouldn't change the fact that he loves me unconditionally.
7. Have you ever taken drugs (illegal)?
8. Your perfect night/day?
Day ... Spending time with my family, out on a picnic, on a warm sunny day.
Night ... Watching some brilliant TV, curled up on the couch, with a table full of munchies !!!
9. Have you ever had anything up your bum that ain’t human?
Ummmm, NO !
10. Three things that make you really angry?
Cruelty to animals, children, the elderly ... well, cruelty to anyone, really !!
11. The saddest thing you’ve ever seen on TV?
A few things, actually ... September 11, Princess Diana's Death, the Thredbo avalanche (here in Australia) ... these things come to mind because all our TV stations had non stop coverage of these things for days. Other things, such as the Bali Bombings, the Tsunami, and other disasters, of course, were terribly sad, too.
12. Apart from a sexual organ/region, which part of your body do you really liked being touched by a partner?
My hair
13. You’re fave jelly flavour?
14. Tell everyone something you’ve been too ashamed to tell anyone before. Your answer to this will guarantee your entry into Heaven.
When I first had Chicky ... well, actually after a few months ... I was suffering from Post Natal Depression. I felt inadequate as a mother, and didn't feel confident in what I was doing. I felt I had done the wrong thing to have a child, that I wasn't cut out to be a mother. Fortunately, I went and saw a doctor, who diagnosed me, but let me choose whether to take medication or not. I chose not to, and almost immediatly began sliding out of this depression.
15. Something you don’t tell you’re partner, or do enough and know that you should.
I don't always tell my husband when I buy something new for myself (like clothes or a book, or something like that). However, pretty much everything else I tell him.
That was fun .... I'm going to tag Connie, Michelle, Greeneyes, Susie and Ange for this one. Don't feel like you have to do this, but if you want to, it would be fun !!
Take care,
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 7:42 pm 13 people shared their thoughts ...
Hello There !!
It is Monday evening, and I am home, unpacked and back on the computer, after a wonderful 3 days away. The weather was amazing, for the most part, although today started out very wet (finally !).
Yesterday was about 38ÂșC (very, very warm), and I spent much of the day hibernating with the airconditioning, watching old Elvis movies. It was lovely. If I had've been at home, I would have felt obligated to do some housework, or something else yukky, so it was good to not be at home !!
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 7:04 pm 15 people shared their thoughts ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 9:35 pm 27 people shared their thoughts ...
Well, I haven't really posted much since Friday, other than a couple of small pieces, so I guess I should fill you all in on what I have been up to !!
On Saturday I basically did a lot of sitting in front of my computer. I needed to get myself up to date with my Web Design course, as well as catching up on some other things. Hubby was sleeping, after a night shift, and Chicky was out with friends at a festival. Hubby and I watched The African Queen on DVD in the evening.
On Sunday we were basically out for the day. Firstly, we went to Yarra Glen (about 35 minutes from home), to a 4WD Swap Meet. This is basically a trash & treasure market, with only car parts !!! Not much fun for Chicky and myself, but hubby found it interesting !! Next, we dropped by some friends who live not far from there. Spent a delightful few hours, chatting and then chatting some more. On the way home, we detoured via some other friends, who we will be going camping with next week. We visited with them for a couple more hours. We finally made it home around 7pm, after having left home at around 9am. It was a great day, the weather was wonderful, we had some good company.
Monday, I attended school assembly (like a dutiful mother !!), did some shopping, helped out an elderly lady in a retirement village with some typing (a weekly occurrance), took Chicky to netball training after school, then to her dance class. Came home, cooked dinner, played some more on the computer (whilst watching the Academy Awards).
Tuesday, I went to my parent's place, to help Mum with her new DVD burner ... unfortunately, her computer wouldn't recognise it, and I tried everything, but couldn't get it to go. She was going to get another computer-nerd friend to have a look at it & see if he has better luck. I made a huge pot of potato & onion soup for dinner (it was a coolish type day, and I love soup !!) In the evening, I went to my weekly painting class, where I completed another cat drink coaster ... here it is ...
Anyway, today I have done some scrapbooking, DVD burning, a small amount of blogging ... not much though, went and had my tax return done, had a friend drop over for awhile, caught up with a TV program I recorded last night, and did the school run (morning & afternoon ... which I do every week day !).
There you go, that's my week so far !!! I apologise for having rambled on (and on) about my daily activities ... it was simply something to write about. This is, after all an on-line journal, is it not ?!?!
What did you do today ???
Have a great week, take care,
PS ... I have added a link, on my side bar, underneath my profile, titled "Pictures I Love", which is a bunch of photos that I love, with commentary, which I thought I might share with my friends ... you all !! It is a work in progress, with more photos being added here and there. Please have a look, if you like.
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 4:19 pm 24 people shared their thoughts ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 7:35 am 19 people shared their thoughts ...
Take my Quiz on QuizYourFriends.com!
I found this on Chloe, DaybyDay and Devil Mood's blogs ... probably other's too !! Have a go at it, if you like ... I made it myself !!
Make sure you name yourself as you do on your blog, so I know who it is.
Have fun !!
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 8:04 pm 20 people shared their thoughts ...
I hope everyone has a wonderful weekend, full of fun, relaxation, love, happiness and adventure (choose whichever applies !!!).
Take care, stay safe,
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 8:46 pm 33 people shared their thoughts ...
After posting my happy birthday to mum post yesterday, and reading all the beautiful comments from everyone, I sent mum to look at my blog (which she regularly does, anyway), to have a good read of my post and your comments. When we went out to dinner last night ... Chicky, Hubby, Mum, Dad & Me ... Mum arrived quite annoyed at me. "Why did you make me read that, it made me cry !". She read it all just before leaving to meet us for dinner, and it made her quite emotional (that's not hard, really!!) ... but she loved it. She wanted me to say a big "thank you" to everyone for your wonderful comments ... you are all a great bunch of people. She also wanted me to share with you all a recent photo of her and dad (one of very few where she actually admits to liking herself in !!), so you can see what they look like now. This photo was taken last New Years Eve, and it certainly looks like they were having a ball !! Don't they look just as gorgeous as they did on their wedding day ??? I think they do. We had a gret evening at one of the local hotels. They have a smorgasbord type dinner available, at a very reasonable price. Don't know about you, but when I go to those "all you can eat" type places, I end up eating more than I should, and finish the night feeling really uncomfortable. Luckily I wore a loose skirt !!! I think the desserts are the best part of these places ... I just love the soft-serve icecream, with all the yummy toppings and sprinkles !!! (Yes, I am still a big kid !!!) We ended up having to leave around 9pm, as my hubby is on night shift, and had to start work at 10pm. Was great fun, though. We chatted about when mum and dad met in Germany, and stuff like that. Really nice. Anyway, this post was basically to say Thank You from my mum, for all your comments and best wishes, and also for me to say the same thing. You are all wonderful, thank you. Take care, MEOW
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 8:47 am 18 people shared their thoughts ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 7:36 am 26 people shared their thoughts ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 7:42 am 19 people shared their thoughts ...
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