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Tuesday, December 13, 2005


This is gonna sound really stupid, but being fairly new in the blogging world, I keep reading something I have absolutely no idea what it means.

What does it mean when people talk about "meme" ?? Is that like in me, me (rather than you, you !!) ??

I know I'm coming across sounding dumb, but could someone please explain.

Thanks, in anticipation !!!



. said...

I'm no expert either but you're doing or having a meme when you take time out to think exclusively about yourself, answer an internet quiz about yourself and then publish the info about yourself in your blog.
In the real world my friends have started using the term to describe someone who can't stop focussing on themselves- we say that' persons' having a meme.
What do others say?

Cathy said...

It is not a stupid question at ll; I have not really had an "official" explanation of this either. I understand it to mean those quizes that include answering questions about yourself. I.E. list 25 things you've learnt about yourself in 2005...

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Thank you, ladies, I thought it might have been something like that, however it might not have been, which was why I asked !! (What a jumbled sentence that was !!) Thanks again, take care.