Cathy (Here I Go Again) asked me to do this, so here I go ....
Five things that fellow Bloggers may not know about me:
1. I am a first generation Australian. My parents (and parent’s – parents) migrated to Australia in the late 1950s. They all settled in Victoria, and have stayed there ever since. My parents and I traveled back to Germany (originally to live, then decided after 3 months to come back home to Australia !) in 1974. Being a kid at the time, I cannot now remember much, although what I can remember was that it was a beautiful country. I hope to travel back some time in the future. This German background prompted me to get in touch with the local German Language school, so that my daughter could learn the language. (I am married to an Australian, so Chicky doesn’t get to hear German spoken very much.) It was here I met a group of wonderful people, one of them being Madi, who introduced me to blogging.
2. I am scared of the dentist !!! Dentists are evil (sorry if anyone reading this is a dentist!). I think that this fear has manifested itself onto my Chicky, who also has an unnatural fear of the dentist … however, having had 2 fillings in the past few months, her fear is diminishing somewhat. Mine, however, continues to grow. I know procedures have changed, and pain relief is a lot better than when I was a kid, but I am absolutely terrified. Last time I went (about 6 years ago … ooops !) I think I left fingernail imprints on the armrest of the chair (better that, than in the dentists arm, I guess !). I know the dentist wrote on my chart – “Very nervous, take care”.
3. I don’t really like shopping !!! All you women are probably thinking I’m a freak ! I just don’t like shopping. I will go to the shopping centres (or malls) when I need something, go to the relevant stores, buy what I need, and then get out of there. I hate window shopping … what’s the point, looking at something and not buying it. I’d rather not see what I, perhaps, cannot afford !! Christmas shopping, in particular, I loathe. I will have my list, race in, get what I want, stand (very impatiently) in the queue at the register, and go home again. Yuk !!! I hate the crowds in the shops at Christmas time … they make me nervous (perhaps there is a touch of agrophobia happening, who knows !!).
4. Like Cathy, I have some rather strange food fetishes ! I love Twistie rolls (a buttered bread roll, filled with Twisties … these are cheesy corn snacks – not sure if they are something found outside Australia). Potato chip (crisps) rolls are nice too !! My favourite snack, whilst watching TV is a can of Diet Pepsi, a block of Cadbury Dairy Milk chocolate, and a packet of plain potato chips. Yum, the flavours and textures and really interesting ! I love Dutch salted liquorice … not everyone’s cup of tea, I know, but yummy nonetheless ! I don’t drink tea or coffee, may occasionally have a hot chocolate, and get my caffeine kick from Diet Pepsi.
5. I love amusement park rides !!! We have a handful of huge theme parks in Queensland, where I only get to every 4 or 5 years, but when we go there, we have to go to them all. They have some awesome rides. One, in particular, called the Giant Drop, I can’t get enough of. Basically it is a huge tower, with a carriage thingy attached. You are strapped in, taken to the top in the carriage, wait patiently, then are released into a freefall all the way back down. The feeling of weightlessness, and your stomach jumping into your mouth, as you fall is just incredible. I go on this one over and over and over….. you get the picture !!! I also love the rollercoasters … the higher, curvier, upsidedownier the better. Love ‘em, love ‘em, love em !! Anything, high, fast, upside down … you can’t keep me off it. I think I would be in heaven if I could go to Disneyland, or Disneyworld, or whatever the hugest park is in the US.
So, there you go … 5 things you may or may not have known about me. I would love for anyone else to have a go at this. I don’t know any of you well enough, so anybody would be great. How about you, Madi ??
Bye for now,