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Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I'm Still Here ... Miss Me ???

Hello everyone,

Another quickie from me ...

HAPPY NEW YEAR ... OK, I know I'm late ... sorry !!!

I hope you all had a wonderful slide into 2007 ... we did !!!

We are having typical Summer weather here at Bonnie Doon ... 30+C, and humid. It looks like it wants to rain, on and off, but it ain't happening. Oh well, it can't not rain forever.

Hope you are all well.

Sorry I haven't been by to visit since before Christmas. We'll be home next week, and then I'll be able to catch up on you all. I've gotta say, I miss you all.

Enjoy the week.

Luv & Hugs to you all.

Take care,



Pear tree cottage! said...

Hi! meow! "happy new year" to you too. I hope all your dreams fill this year for you.

I look forward to lots of chats over this coming year and lots of laughs with all our blogger friends too.

I see you are at bonny doon, is there any water there at the moment it must be well down I am sure. enjoy your holiday and will catch up in the new year.

Nerdine said...

happy new year to you too! I haven't even posted this year yet. Am getting a hopeless blogger...

Anonymous said...

Happy third day of the New Year Meow!!!

Snow? Rain? Heat? What is going on down under?

Glad to see you so busy and healthy.

Cisco said...

Another trip to Bonny Doon hu?.. Hope it was fun.
Happy New Year.

Unknown said...

I wish I could come south to share your summer!

Devil Mood said...

Happy New Year and enjoy yourself :) mmm I miss the hot weather!

Peter said...

Hi Meow, yeah we miss you, Happy New Year.

Merle said...

Hi Meow ~~ Yes, you are missed, but you have a wonderful time and come back refreshed. We will still be here!! I heard on the radip that most of Victoria got a little rain and some(Ballarat) got lots, but never a drop in Shepp. How about
Bonnie Doon, hope you got some?
Take care, my friend,Love, Merle.

Jenn said...

I just wanted to say I love the Christmas card you sent me! I've had it for a while, just wanted to say thanks!


Greeneyes said...

Miss you and am hoping you are having a marvelous time up at BD.
Happy New year dear Friend , catch up when you get home and stop hoggin all the heat it is about
-12c .I am feeling like a polar bear ,hey maybe an iceberg is floating your way I will jump on hehehehe,take care in the sun , I wouldnt want you to burn LOL

Margaret said...

Hi Meow, yes you really are missed. Glad you are having a lovely time and will catch you when you are back.
Cheers Margaret

Kylee said...

I hope that you and your family have a wonderful year!! All the best to you and yours.

Raggedy said...

Happy New Year!!!!
I have missed you...
Extra hugssssssssss

Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from
the Cool Raggedy one

Marie said...

Happy New Year! Hope 2007 is a fabulous one.

Anonymous said...

Sounds like you are having a wonderful time! Enjoy!

We are having 60F weather and it is humid too! Rain off and on! I prefer the snow from last week!

I wish you a safe and happy New Year!

Saur♥Kraut said...

A (belated) Happy New Year to you, girl! It's nice and warm for us here in Florida too, with a cool breeze and some rain at times. We're staying in the 70s/80s. Nice and balmy.

Lee said...

Hi Meow...glad you're still enjoying life at Bonnie's raining on and off up this way, which is great...want lots more though...the drought is no where near broken...this is just hanging around to tease and taunt!

Heidi said...

yes we miss you :) Now you continue to enjoy yourself. Have fun! Thanx for cheking in.

Puss-in-Boots said...

Hi Meow, good to hear from you and glad to hear you're enjoying your break. We've had a bit of rain but stuff all in Wivenhoe Dam - 1.6mm according to the news.

Look forward to reading your posts once you're back.


Jo said...

Take Care, and relax and have a great time.

Carole Burant said...

Happy New Year dear Meow!! Glad to hear you're having a great time and we miss you too! Hugs xox

Mise en Place said...

Glad you guys had a great holiday. Thank you so much for the card.....It was nice of you to remember my family.

Val said...

Hi Meow! Must have been pretty dry up at Bonnie Doon, hope you weren't staying in a houseboat!

In answer to your question: Yes, of course we miss you! Hope you've had a happy new year!

Ingrid said...

I am back into the cold rainy weather ! But now I know how to celebrate both feasts in warm weather ! Our Father Christmas didn't play with kangurus but was riding a Camel ! Definitively I should imigrate to Australia for Christmas in summer !

JM said...

Hello!!! happy new year!!

Dr. Deb said...

Happy to see you back!!

Kali said...

Happy New Year to you and your Dear Meow...Hugs, Kali :)

Clare said...

Happy New Year Meow and I really like the new header on your blog. Well not sure if it is new but I only just noticed it.

We've had plenty of rain over here and they say the reservoirs are looking healthier than this time last year. Hope some of that rain heads your way.

stinkypaw said...

Of course I miss you! Have a great new Year as well! Big hugs!

stinkypaw said...

PS: Love the new look! Too cute!

Gwen said...

Hi Meow..
You must be having a great time and why not,see you when you get back.xxt

Jean-Luc Picard said...

A Happy new Year to you, too!

Jeanette said...

Have a wonderful holiday see you on yor return. take care ((hugs))

Ingrid said...

Please don't forget CATS ON TUESDAY and PLEASE read the rules
Sorry, this is a standard comment as I don't know how to remind you otherwise. Any idea ?

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you ... to everyone single one of you who has visited me over the past 2 weeks that I haven't been around ... thank you, thank you, thank you !!!
Luv & Hugs to you all,
Meow xx