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Saturday, January 13, 2007

Another Quote ...

If you can imagine it you can achieve it. If you can dream it, you can become it.
--William Arthur Ward--


stinkypaw said...

Love the quote and the cute picture!

Don't forget to send me something for my other blog! Pleeeeease! :-)

Have a great weekend!

Lee said...

I do that every week regarding winning Lotto...unfortunately, it hasn't worked for me yet...but I'm not about to give in! ;)

Heidi said...

Great picture! Have a great weekend :)

Unknown said...

I really need to get my imagination and dreams moving!

Diane@Diane's Place said...

What a cute kitty pic! The quote is good, too. :-)

Sorry I didn't make myself plain in that post about New Blogger. I tried to explain it better in a new post. I had 2 posts for Friday, it's the second one where I talk about New Blogger and my template.

Hope you have a great weekend, Meow, and hope poor Bambi is okay and doesn't have any abcesses, bless her furry little heart. :-)

Love your new header of Bambi in the apricot tree. :-)

Anonymous said...

At least Blessing only drinks out of the tub faucet. LOL

Ingrid said...

He, he I have the same picture in my files (if I am not mistaken) I saved it because it's so cute ! I ponded today my last post about Egypt and then I definitively return to the rain over here !

Cisco said...

I have seen that one before, but thanks for the reminder..

Raggedy said...

I just Love it!!!

Have a wonderful day!
(=':'=) hugs
(")_ (")Š from
the Cool Raggedy one

Anonymous said...

Just love that picture!!

Have a wonderful weekend...what's left of it.

Take care,

Jeanette said...

Hi Meow
good Quote love Kitty trying to get a drink from the shower. Take care (((Hugs)))

Peter said...

Hi Meow, I missed a few posts you made as bloglines had dropped you off somehow??? all back in business now I hope, it's amazing how we get to rely on automatic things, I didn't even realize you were missing for a while, Sorry.

Clare said...

That is one cute picture Meow :).

Hope you are having a great weekend although it's actually probably over for you now looking at the time :).

Carole Burant said...

Words to live by! Love that picture! lol Hugs xox

Spider Girl said...

That kitty will have no problem keeping her New Years resolutions with that sort of determination. :)

Happy New Years!

LoraLoo said...

Awwwww, that picture is precious!

Have a great week!!

Gwen said...

Hi Meow.
Great shot of pussy,my cat has water inside and out but will only
use the one outside.loved the quote
take care xx

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Hi Everyone, I apologise for not replying individually. Thank you for all your wonderful comments. I'm glad you like the picture of the cat in the shower ... it's not my cat (wish it was !!), but I thought it was too cute not to share.
Hope all your weekend's went well.
Take care, Meow

~jack~ said...

GREAT picture !!! I thought it was Bambi ... looks like a Bambi trick huh?

Puss-in-Boots said...

I'm a great believer in dreaming - I've had them come true! See my post of 11 Jan.

Happy dreaming!

Mise en Place said...

How funny! Great, great quote.

Anonymous said...

What a cute kitty pic! Just wanted to say hello - I've been a bad comment leaver lately, so sorry!!!

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Jack ... thanks, and yep, it could be a Bambi trick !!

Robyn ... I read that post, it is amazing ... wish stuff like that happened to me !!

Momyblogr ... thank you.

Barbara ... it's cool, I'm not visiting as much as I should, either !! It must be the time of year !!

Andree said...

omg! Your kitty loves to shower! That is a totally amazing picture!

Ingrid said...

I just wonder if you are sick or if there is something wrong ? It's quite unusual that you haven't posted anything since saturday. (and even CATS ON TUESDAY)


That's funny but this morning someone texted me on my cellphone the very same quote. It is beautiful isn't it. Love the picture of the cat.
Just dropping by to say hello.

Anonymous said...

This is just too cute! I can see my Callie doing this if she had a way up to the rod!

As for the quote it is a very good one and one worth framing!

I hope you are having a great week! And that your summer weather is holding on! We are cold brrrr today!

Lois Lane said...

I love that picture! My cat used to do the same. New shower isn't set up so "comfortably" LOL! He still drinks from the bathroom sink and the little bugger learned how to turn it on! Wish he knew about water conservation and could turn it off!

Alex said...

That's hilarious. Looks alot like our new kitty that we adopted off the street Christmas eve

Heather in Beautiful BC said...

Great photo!

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Thanks everyone for your comments. It isn't my kitty, just a photo someone once sent to me. But it is so cute, I had to share.
Take care, Meow
PS. Gattina, I am not sick, just busy and finding it hard to find time to blog. Sorry.

Cody said...

Goodness, there is really much useful material here!
here | here | 4