Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 4:39 pm 21 people shared their thoughts ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 9:31 pm 15 people shared their thoughts ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 2:03 pm 6 people shared their thoughts ...
So, that's my life ... no time for the important stuff, like blogging. I do so miss you all, and I do, actually, peek into some of your blogs regularly via Google Reader, although, as I've said before, I don't often get a chance to comment.
Anyway, the purpose of this post is to say hi ... sooo, HI !! ... and to extend my best wishes to each and everyone of you in the hope that you have a ...
and a safe, happy and healthy New Year.
We are off on Christmas Day to our caravan at Bonnie Doon, for a two week break. Perhaps this will be our last holiday there, as the van is on the market to sell, and it may just sell over the Christmas break. Then ..... we will be purchasing our longed-for TVan ... can't wait. Then we will be off as often as we can, to various places in this wonderful country of Australia ... but, that's another story !!
So, as I mentioned, I will try to visit you all before Christmas, but I very much doubt that I will post again until the new year (hopefully more regularly than I have been this year).
Huge hugs to you all, and thank you for being my blog buddies throughout the past 2 years (oh yeah, I missed out completely my 2nd blogaversay in late November ... I'll have to wait till next November to celebrate again ... darn it !!)
May your Christmas be wonderful and warm, and spent with loving friends and family.
Take care & catch you in 2008,
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 6:19 pm 19 people shared their thoughts ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 8:49 am 26 people shared their thoughts ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 7:03 pm 33 people shared their thoughts ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 10:24 pm 15 people shared their thoughts ...
Hello Everyone,
It's been a week again, since I last blogged. Time flies, doesn't it. I have been pretty busy, as usual, and won't go into what I have been up to. Suffice to say, I haven't had a lot of time to blog ... darn it !!
It is a very windy Sunday here where I live. The sun is out, but I have had to put the outside awnings up, as the wind was buffetting them around, and I was fearful that they might be damaged.
It was a glorious, rather warm day yesterday. We had a 40th birthday party to go to during the day, which was outside, so it was lovely. Then in the evening, Chicky had a 13th birthday party to go to, which was at a roller-skating rink. She had heaps of fun, and came home exhausted. It is just after 10.30am, Sunday morning, as I write ... and she is still asleep !!
Daylight Savings time started at 2am this morning. I love Daylight Savings. I love that it is light for longer in the evenings ... it almost makes it feel like we have a longer day (although I know this isn't true). It allows for more time after school and work to do things outside. Lovely.
I have been busy scanning in all my wedding photos (we have been married almost 19 years). I thought it was time to put them on the computer, as I want to turn them into a Photostory DVD, like I did with our Cape York trip photos, and our Broken Hill trip photos, and also our recent trip to the Shepparton area. It makes looking at the photos more enjoyable, when you can watch them on the TV, and there are lovely transitions, zooms and music added to them ... it almost looks like you are watching a movie, rather than a bunch of still photos. It's been rather nostalgic, looking at all these photos ... 19 years is a very long time, and boy, have fashions changed !! And how we have all aged !!! It is also kind of sad, as quite a few of the older people who attended our wedding are no longer with us. The memories of it all are wonderful, though.
Ooooh, I got an award, check it out ....
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 9:55 am 19 people shared their thoughts ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 6:56 pm 34 people shared their thoughts ...
Hello Everyone,
I hope you have all had a great week. Mine has been busy, hectic, weird ... as per usual !!
I worked Monday and Wednesday (which seems to have become my regular days). Tuesday I was meant to go on a picnic with some fellow bloggers (Val, Gina & Miss Eagle, and others), but some family stuff prevented me from going ... judging by their photos and blog commentary, it was great fun ... wish I could've been there.
Thursday was a day of shopping, housework and cooking ... I had my parents over for dinner, and we had a lovely dinner, and a lovely evening.
Friday was off to the vet with Bambi. Basically for her yearly vaccination, but also for a check-up, as she had been off colour since Monday night. She didn't eat all day Tuesday and Wednesday, and just slept all day, not even going outside, barely moving. I was horrified that something terrible was wrong, and I basically had her dead and buried (in my head) ... that's how freaked out I had become by Thursday. Anyway, turns out she had hurt herself, somewhere in the joint of one of her back legs, and, as cats are prone to do, she decided to sleep herself better. By Thursday morning, she had had a little to eat (some sliced turkey meat, which I hand fed her !!), and some water, and went outside briefly. Friday morning she was almost back to her usual cheeky self. The vet, on Friday, gave her a pain killer needle (as well as her vaccination), and said otherwise she seemed in excellent health. So, we came home, and the silly kitty felt sorry for herself, and slept some more (I think the vet may have hurt her sore leg, during the poking, pulling, and prodding, trying to find out where it hurt !!). Then later Friday evening, she was outside, being her normal curious self, and the little sh*t got herself into a cat fight !!! What's with that ?? Of course, then she came inside, felt sorry for herself, didn't want to eat again, and went to sleep. This morning (Saturday) she woke up sore again ... stupid animal !! Self inflicted this time. She seems ok this afternoon, off and running around outside. Still not hugely interested in food ... I guess that will come back soon !! Cats !!!
As you may (or may not !) know, I got a new computer, running Windows Vista, last week. I love it, and I think I have everything set up on it that I want. It is running beautifully, and so much quicker than the other one. I set up a wireless router, so Chicky and I can now be on the internet at the same time (she on my old computer), and she doesn't have to beg me for the computer, so she can do homework (or chat on MSN, or MySpace, or whatever !!). Anyway, I thought I'd show you what the new machine looks like ...Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 5:14 pm 19 people shared their thoughts ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 7:42 am 13 people shared their thoughts ...
Hi There Everyone,
Hope you are all well, and enjoying the weekend.
I have been a bit distracted from almost everything these past few days ... I got a new computer !!
Yep, a beautiful new toy.
It is a Toshiba Notebook, with lots of goodies ... makes my old (well, only 3 1/2 years old) NEC Notebook look downright dinosaur-like. And the speed ... whoo-hoo, going from 256meg Ram to 2gig Ram is just amazing. I'm having so much fun. This new one runs Windows Vista, and I am having a few teething problems with some software I want to run ... but it is all gradually working out.
For some reason, though, I cannot install Itunes ... it just doesn't want to do it. Also, when I tried to upload some photos onto Ebay, to sell something, it wouldn't let me do that either. If there is anyone reading this who can fill me in on how to solve this, please do ... I would love to hear from you. Thank you.
(UPDATE: I now have Itunes working ... not sure why it didn't want to install initially, but I eventually got it ... yay !! Now I still need to figure out why Ebay wouldn't let me upload photos !!)
Anyway, I'd better go, still got lots of stuff to install on this lovely new toy (oh, and I spose I'd better do some housework, laundry, cooking, too !!).
Will be back soon.
Take care,
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 11:36 am 13 people shared their thoughts ...
Well, hello there ...
It's been awhile (again) since I last posted, but I have a pretty big post for you all today.
As you may (or may not) know, my family and I spent the past 2 weeks on holidays, at 2 seperate locations. For the first week, we took along one of Chicky's best friends, Chooky. The 2 girls had an absolute ball, as did we.
Our first week was spent at Lakeside Country Club, in Numurkah, in North/Central Victoria. It is a gorgeous place, with heaps to do ... an indoor heated pool, spa, sauna, an outdoor pool, tennis courts, beach volley ball court, mini golf, BMX park, a huge lake for canoeing and paddle boat riding, and many, many other things.
Lakeside Country Club is essentially a resort for Timeshare patrons. We have had Timeshare for quite some years now, but don't use it as regularly as we wish we could. The format of our timeshare is that we don't have to go to our nominated resort ... we can go anywhere we like, within the group of eligible resorts.
Anyway, we arrived at Lakeside on Friday evening, settled into our unit (which was great ... 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, living room, huge kitchen with eating area within, and a laundry - washing machine, dryer, trough - off the kitchen behind a bifold door). We then decided to have a bit of an explore throughout the resort, with the girls deciding to go for a swim !!
Next day, we decided to have a lazy day, staying around the resort. I took the opportunity to take numerous photos (this one, below, is of the extraordinary gardens around the resort ... cactii, how interesting !!)
Hubby had a bit of down-time, as he had hurt his foot on Friday evening ... not really sure how, but it was very painful ... we almost had to make a trip to hospital (he thought it might be broken). He struggled through, though ... he was brave, and didn't want to spoil the holiday for the girls !!
On Sunday, we made a trip into Echuca, which is a town on the Murray River (which borders Victoria and New South Wales). Echuca used to be a thriving port, in the days when paddle steamers did all the fetching and carrying ... before trains and semi-trailers. These days, it is a historical town, with many interesting things to look at.
We took a paddle steamer cruise along the Murray River, on board the PS Pevensey, which was built in 1911. The Pevensey is quite famous, it was used in the filming of "All The Rivers Run", a wonderful movie/mini series from a number of years ago, starring many famous Aussies.
It was a wonderful cruise, with many interesting sights along the river. The old paddle steamers are just fascinating, and are still operated in just the same manner as they were almost 100 years ago. The following photo is the 3 of us ... Hubby, Chicky and myself (I wasn't sure if Chooky's family wanted me to include a photo of her on this blog). We were sitting at the back of the boat, and the view down the Murray is just magical.
This next photo is of a portion of the Old Echuca Wharf, and a couple of old paddle steamers. The river is quite down, around a couple of metres lower than normal ... but still a beautiful place.
The next day (Monday) we had another lazy day at the resort ... more swimming and playing for the kids, more relaxing and reading for me, and hubby watched some TV and played Playstation ... resting his foot !!
Tuesday we took a trip up to Cobram, and checked out a lovely beach (again on the Murray), where we have camped. Once again, we were quite shocked at how low the water was. We then travelled closer to Yarrawonga, to another beach (Dead River Beach) where we spent many wonderful holidays in years past. We also stayed there back in 2005, prior to going to Cape York ... it was sort of a test weekend for all our camping equipment !!
We were horrified at the number of trees exposed by the low water levels, and realising that this was where we always boated and water skiied ... gosh were we lucky that there were never any accidents.
Dead River Beach is a gorgeous place, and it got taste for camping going again ... we can't wait to pack our tent (or our new TVan - when we get it!!), and spend some quality time just sitting on the banks of this mighty river.
Afterward, we headed up the highway to Yarrawonga, briefly, to see how the town looked these days. We hadn't been there for quite some years, and were pleasantly surprised with how it had progressed ... it always was a beautiful town, and still is.
Wednesday was another lazy day at the resort.
Now, Thursday was a special day ....
We went into Shepparton, had a brief shop, and I wandered around the parks taking photos of the cows, which are part of the Shepparton Mooving Art display. Each cow was painted very differently, and were just amazing. I had seen them on Merle's blog some time ago, and knew I just had to see them for myself. The following two photos are my favorites ...
So, after my photographic expedition, Hubby and the girls dropped me off at Merle's house in Shepparton, where I was joining Merle, Gwen and Jeanette for lunch ... a sort of Bloggers convention. (Hubby and the girls headed back into Shepparton, where Hubby supervised the girls getting a bit of retail therapy) !! Jeanette's sister, Pauline, was also there. It was a lovely afternoon, spent with some amazing women ... thank you, ladies, for the great time. I had a ball. Thank you, also, Merle, for your hospitality. Merle put on a wonderful spread for lunch ... I didn't really need to have any dinner that evening ... I was still quite full !! The 5 of us had quite a few laughs, and despite the fact that we hadn't ever physically met, we got along like a house on fire. I hope we get the chance to get together again sometime. Thank you againBrought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 8:44 pm 29 people shared their thoughts ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 10:25 pm 20 people shared their thoughts ...
Well, as you probably noticed, I once again haven't gotten around to visiting everyone (despite my best intentions !). Huge apologies, once again.
I am quickly just dropping by here to say catch y'all later, as we are heading off tomorrow (Friday) for 2 weeks of R&R ... one in Numurkah (near Shepparton, in North Central Victoria), and the second at old faithful Bonnie Doon.
I hope to hop on the 'net here and there, and may even post. I will try, anyway LOL.
Oh, yeah ... whilst I am at Numurkah, I will be popping down to Shepparton, and catching up with a few of my favorite bloggers ... Merle will be hosting us for lunch, and Jeanette and Gwen are coming along too. Should be a lovely afternoon. I can't wait.
I promise, promise, promise to catch up on all your blogs when we get back, though.
Huge huggly hugs to you all.
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 9:48 pm 15 people shared their thoughts ...
Brought to you by Meow (aka Connie) at 9:36 am 22 people shared their thoughts ...
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