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Saturday, March 31, 2007

A Question For You ...

Hello Fellow Bloggers,

I need your advice ...

My theme song, "What's New Pussycat?" has been a part of this blog for a very long time now ... I love it (Don't laugh, but I have actually put it on my mobile/cell phone as a ringtone !!!), but I'm not really sure whether you all do !! I'm wondering whether it has worn out it's welcome.

Here's where you come in ...

Could you please let me know whether I should keep the song on my blog, or should I get rid of it ??? What do you think ??? Be honest, now !!

All opinions greatfully accepted, and I won't be offended if you really, really hate it, and choose to tell me so !!

I will go with the majority vote.

Thanks everyone ... looking forward to hearing what you have to say.

Take care,


Carole Burant said...

As you said, Meow, it's been part of your blog all this time and if I was to come visit you and not hear the song, then I would feel lost! lol I say keep the song, it goes with your blog:-) Plus I love singing it with Tom! hehe xox

Anonymous said...

perhaps you could keep it on there if we want to turn it on, but not automatically playing when we click on to your blog???

Diane@Diane's Place said...

Well, to be honest, I keep my sound turned off unless I want to hear a particular thing, so it doesn't really matter to me one way or another. :-)

Happy weekend, C. :-)

Love and hugs,


Patty said...

I personally don't like music on anyones blog. I find it annoying because we usually have the tv on. I keep my volume mutted when I visit blogs so it is ok either way.

Margaret said...

Hi Meow, I think that if you like the song for your blog you should keep it.If anyone does not like it they can turn it off I would think. It would not seem the same on your site without Pussy Cat, however it is up to you to change or not as you wish.
Cheers and Hugs Margaret

Peter said...

Hi Meow, I'm having some troubles with my "song of the week" as I can't hear it myself, I like the theory of a new tune each week but am thinking of taking it off soon anyway.

Jeanette said...

Hi Meow I like to hear it and i go along with Pea its suits your blog. and I say if anyone doesn't want to hear it let them turn it off

Ingrid said...

I am principally against music on a blog especially when you open a blog and suddenly music fills the room, let the cats jump in all direction, the husband swear because I woke him up, while I am trying to find the "off" of my loudspeakers ! But on your blog I never had this problem, I never heard music so Pussycat is OK for me, I like this song very much and I have the record too. It's such a nice song !

Renae said...

I think you should leave it. It really is a great song.Like the others said, it can always be stopped. The song matches your blog. This is your blog, you can write, sing, play whatever you want.If you change the song for a fresher sound, keep it with your cat theme. You can always change it back.Have an awesome weekend!!!!


Nikki Neurotic said...

I like Daybyday's suggestion to set it so it doesn't play automatically. Whenever I'm on the computer, I've got music playing and it kind of interfers with that.

Jamie Dawn said...

My laptop's sound doesn't work, so I don't hear the song. I used to hear it when my sound was working, and I always turned it WAY down, so I wasn't distracted by it while I was reading your posts.
If I use my son's or daugher's laptops, then I hear sound.
If you LOVE that song so much, then it is really up to YOU if you choose to keep it on there.
I like the song too.
It's a dandy!

Happy Weekend!!!!!

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Hmmm, so far no-one has said "Get Rid Of It" !! That's nice !!

Keep the comments coming, folks.



The Lazy Iguana said...

I keep changing my Iguana Music. I also changed the music code so that auto play is off. I did this in case someone still has dial up access and does not want to download a large MP3 file. The code for this is "autoplay=0"

Maybe you can change things up with another cat based theme song? Maybe something by "Cat" Stevens? The possibilities are endless!

I kind of got used to the music here.

Lee said...

I'm the same as Diane it doesn't bother me either. :)

Raggedy said...

I feel like I started this.
I would like for you to leave it but not on auto so we can click it when we want to hear it.

Justine said...

Leave it, but make it not come on automatically. Then everybody is happy! :)

(ps. I like it)

Anonymous said...

Since it is your blog and you love it so much why change it? I usually keep my sound off and don't hear anyone's music so it doesn't bother me! And if it is your ring tone also why change? When ever I hear the song I always think of you!

Greeneyes said...

I really like it , it is fun and lighthearted and ties in with your Blog ,I know I am at the right place when I hear it and it is like part of your personality , light and friendly,besides they have a mute/pause button on them if one wants quiet which is easy enough to acess . so I say SING Tommy Sing!!!wink

whats new pussy cat ????

Hope your well

Val said...

Meow, you should absolutely keep your song on your blog as long as you want to - it's YOUR blog! Although I'm one of those people who forgets, like, every time, and gets a bit of a fright when "What's new..." starts up. But that's me, and I turn down the sound if I've forgotten to do before.

But remember, this is YOUR blog, YOUR journal and you should please yourself!

Merle said...

Hi Meow ~~ Like most of the others, keep it there, but not auto, so we can choose yeah or nay. It doesn't seem to be working at present.
Thanks for your comments, yes Peter and I get on very well. Glad you liked the photos, thanks for your kind words. Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Thanks again, everyone, your comments have been great.

At this stage, I think I will keep my song as is ... but please feel free to turn it off or pause it if that's what you want.

I actually have a paid subsription to a music host website, which expries in September, I think, so I will re-think it over then !! Don't want to waste my money !!

Thanks again,
