Hello everyone,
Hope your week is going well. It is Thursday afternoon in my world, and the weather continues to be warm and humid ... not really mega-hot, but very uncomfortably anyway !!
I have had a strange week ... very busy !!
A friend came running over yesterday afternoon, with a phone number for a place about five minutes from me, who are looking for an admin person to work a day or so a week, as they are flat-out busy, and don't have anyone in the office on Wednesdays. Apparently, she was chatting with them, and told them about her friend (that would be me !!) who would be perfect for the job. They gave her their card to give to me, and said for me to give them a call. So, that's what I did. I will be going in for an interview early next week.
Well, a few hours later, a woman (also a friend) from down the street, dropped over. We had been talking a few weeks ago, about where she works. She is in charge of an office that does heaps of data-entry type work, and they are always looking for casual staff to put on their rosters. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I am going in on Monday for a training session, and to see if I like the work (and to see if they like me !!), with the view to work there on Mondays and Thursdays !!
Oh my goodness, it doesn't rain, but it pours ... what's a girl to do ... two jobs (both part time / casual) on the offer !!! I don't know that I really have the time to work 3 days a week (I don't want to disadvantage Chicky, either, with her after school activities). The data-entry job sounds more flexible (it being casual), I would probably be able to get school holidays and stuff off. I'm not sure how things would be with the other, whether it is part-time, or casual ... I've gotta say, casual sure sounds more "up my alley". But, I'll leave the option open, and attend the interview next week for the part time one ... who knows, I might not even be what they want !!! It sounds as if I have the other position (the casual one) for sure !! Gosh !! I still need to leave time for my hubby & daughter, my typing business, my occasional work at the Boarding Cattery, my old-lady friend at the retirement village, and of course, my blogging !! Then there is housework, washing, cooking, reading ... blah, blah, blah !!! Hmmm, guess I have to re-organise myself a little !!
Chicky is off on a school camp at the moment, just for 3 days (Wednesday through Friday). My world is very empty without her around, but I know she is having a ball, and is making many new friends. The purpose of this camp is for all the new Year 7 students to get to know one another, in a way that they probably wouldn't just going to school and classes in a normal way. I hope that she has plenty of stories to tell, and heaps of photos to share, when I pick her up from school Friday afternoon at 3pm. I miss my baby !!
So, it's the 1st of March ... the first day of Autumn here in Australia. Hopefully the rains will come soon ... we are still waiting down here in Melbourne, Victoria !!
I'm sorry, I've gotta go, I am feeling sad all of a sudden. I just had a run-in on the phone with someone who I thought was a friend. She is going through a lot of sh*t in her private life at the moment, but seems to be taking it out on those who care about her (people like myself who have always been there for her). I can't cope with that ... I am not the enemy, and don't like being made to feel that I am. She needs to sort herself out. Excuse me while I go and have a good cry. I hate feeling like this.
Thanks for listening.
Take care,
Hope your week is going well. It is Thursday afternoon in my world, and the weather continues to be warm and humid ... not really mega-hot, but very uncomfortably anyway !!
I have had a strange week ... very busy !!
A friend came running over yesterday afternoon, with a phone number for a place about five minutes from me, who are looking for an admin person to work a day or so a week, as they are flat-out busy, and don't have anyone in the office on Wednesdays. Apparently, she was chatting with them, and told them about her friend (that would be me !!) who would be perfect for the job. They gave her their card to give to me, and said for me to give them a call. So, that's what I did. I will be going in for an interview early next week.
Well, a few hours later, a woman (also a friend) from down the street, dropped over. We had been talking a few weeks ago, about where she works. She is in charge of an office that does heaps of data-entry type work, and they are always looking for casual staff to put on their rosters. Anyway, to cut a long story short, I am going in on Monday for a training session, and to see if I like the work (and to see if they like me !!), with the view to work there on Mondays and Thursdays !!
Oh my goodness, it doesn't rain, but it pours ... what's a girl to do ... two jobs (both part time / casual) on the offer !!! I don't know that I really have the time to work 3 days a week (I don't want to disadvantage Chicky, either, with her after school activities). The data-entry job sounds more flexible (it being casual), I would probably be able to get school holidays and stuff off. I'm not sure how things would be with the other, whether it is part-time, or casual ... I've gotta say, casual sure sounds more "up my alley". But, I'll leave the option open, and attend the interview next week for the part time one ... who knows, I might not even be what they want !!! It sounds as if I have the other position (the casual one) for sure !! Gosh !! I still need to leave time for my hubby & daughter, my typing business, my occasional work at the Boarding Cattery, my old-lady friend at the retirement village, and of course, my blogging !! Then there is housework, washing, cooking, reading ... blah, blah, blah !!! Hmmm, guess I have to re-organise myself a little !!
Chicky is off on a school camp at the moment, just for 3 days (Wednesday through Friday). My world is very empty without her around, but I know she is having a ball, and is making many new friends. The purpose of this camp is for all the new Year 7 students to get to know one another, in a way that they probably wouldn't just going to school and classes in a normal way. I hope that she has plenty of stories to tell, and heaps of photos to share, when I pick her up from school Friday afternoon at 3pm. I miss my baby !!
So, it's the 1st of March ... the first day of Autumn here in Australia. Hopefully the rains will come soon ... we are still waiting down here in Melbourne, Victoria !!
I'm sorry, I've gotta go, I am feeling sad all of a sudden. I just had a run-in on the phone with someone who I thought was a friend. She is going through a lot of sh*t in her private life at the moment, but seems to be taking it out on those who care about her (people like myself who have always been there for her). I can't cope with that ... I am not the enemy, and don't like being made to feel that I am. She needs to sort herself out. Excuse me while I go and have a good cry. I hate feeling like this.
Thanks for listening.
Take care,

Happy 1st day of Autumn to you. Spring will arrive here on the 21st. It still seems strange to be on the opposite sides of the seasons from you. Congrats on the job offers. Let us know which one you take
Congrats to you on the jobs.
It's great news about the jobs! I wish I had one part-time too :)
And I'm sure this will be a great experience for Chicky - it's hard for you, but she'll still love you when she comes back, of course!
good luck with the jobs. Yeah friends can be like that sometimes. Hope you feel better after a cry. Just focus on yourself and your family.
Autumn ... thank you. I agree, the opposite seasons seems really weird.
Jean-Luc ... thank you.
Devil Mood ... thank you. Chicky will be fine, I just don't want to disrupt her dance classes.
Bethany ... thank you. Friends can be very draining sometimes ... sorry about my sadness !!
I love stories like that, where jobs to suit just seem to "happen". That has "happened" to me during my working life and it's something to rejoice in. Lots of luck next week, Meow!
Dear Meow, I'm so sorry that a friend has made you so sad...hopefully she'll realize how she made you feel and will call you back to apologize. As for the job interviews, the very best of luck with them...as you say, when it rains, it pours! lol I know you miss Chicky when she's away but she'll soon be home again to tell you all about the fun time she had:-) xoxo
Oh, I'm so sorry that your friend is taking her problems out on you. She will probably think about what she's said later on and feel really awful for upsetting you and no doubt, she will call and apologise.
Good luck with the jobs, hope you can fit them into your already busy life...lol.
Hugs xoxo
Cangratulations on the new job!
Happy Autumn!
Sorry about your friend. Passes the tissues.
Hi Meow, I am sorry about the thing with your friend you do not need that, I have the opinion that you would be a very loyal and valuable friend to have. If she does not see that and does not get back to you it is her loss really. Congrats on the Jos, I wish you all the best at which ever you decide.
Automn in march ! that sounds so funny to me, lol ! I am so happy that spring is coming here after this dark winter ! Now it's your turn, but good for you after this so hot summer. I hope you will find the job which suits you the best, half time is not bad I did it for about 20 years and it worked very well. Dario (son) was in school anyway until 4 pm so I had time for the household and when he came home time for him. Was a very good solution for me, because I never could have stayed at home the whole day ! I would have gone crazy.
For some so called "friends" you are sometimes only a doormat I know this feeling, don't be too sad, it's not worthwhile !
Doesn't it sometimes seem like everything happens at once?
The day when your daughter is away so you are feeling abit fragile, AND you are confronting big decisions about how to share your time between family/household responsibilities (and who knows what else you have to take into account there) is ALSO is the day that your friend goes wobbly on you!!
Maybe its the seasons turning.
Hope you are feeling good now.
Thanks everyone for your wonderful positive comments. I don't usually like to post my worries, and negativity on here, but this issue with my friend really hurt. All seems OK now, although I don't know if our friendship will ever be the same.
I'm excited about this week, and the new job situation. I'll fill you all in when I know the score.
Take care, Meow
Hope things clear up with your friend and that she'll recognize that she has a friend in you...
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