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Monday, March 19, 2007

CATS ON TUESDAY # 11 (A Day Early !!!)

This is a "wordless" Cats On Tuesday, for your viewing pleasure. Just a bunch of kitty pics I thought were cute and fun. Enjoy ...

Take care,


Lee said...

I want them all! Top pics...what cuties!

Merle said...

Hi Connie ~~ Some cute ones and a couple of scary ones !!
Thanks for your comments. I am hoping Peter will get here tomorrow for a few days. I will say G'day from you
and show him the Dixons Creek photos you took and I printed. Take care,
LOve, Merle.

Anonymous said...

I will take one of each, thank you! Great shots and made my morning smile show up finally! Hope you have a wonderful week!

Must go look at the post with the cat tongue!

LZ Blogger said...

All of those cat yawns have made me want to take a nap! ~ jb///

Devil Mood said...

The cat's tongues biscuits are tiny round biscuits, supposedly in the shape of a cat's tongue. If I find a picture, I'll send it to you :)

stinkypaw said...

Cute kitties!!! Have a look at my post today - it's all about cat as well!

Raggedy said...

Huggles and Love,

Anonymous said...

I love the one at the piano....cutie pies....

Andree said...

I love those photos. Cats are just so great! Entertaining little things.

Clare said...

Hi Meow

I love the one of the kitty on the piano the best :).

Hope all is well with you.

Dr. Deb said...

I want to cuddle with each one!

Suzanne R said...

Many of these kitties exhibit the Spontaneous Opera Syndrome! ;-) Okay, so they're yawning. LOL! Totally cute pictures!

Ingrid said...

I can hear them singing !
We have a new cat in the neighborhood, black with a big head and he has a very loud voice ! Unfortunately he uses it all the time and it just sounds like in a Hitchcock film !

The M's said...

Cute pictures, they would make a good slide screensaver.

Unknown said...

Their coloring is beautiful. Just impossible to pick out a favorite. I think you may be hooked! :-)!

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Lee ... thank you.

Merle ... I agree, a couple are kinda scary !! Hope your visit with Peter goes well ... give him a hug for me !!

Debbie ... thank you. Glad you like them.

LZ Blogger ... haha ... hope it was a good nap !!

Devil Mood ... thank you, the biscuits sound interesting !!

Stinkypaw ... thank you. Your post was great.

Raggedy ... thank you.

Dawn ... thanks, yep that is a cute pic !!

Meeyauw ... you are so right, cats are very entertaining.

Clare ... thank you. All is great with me, thanks.

Dr. Deb ... well be my guest !!

Suzanne R ... thanks.

Gattina ... oh no, a cat with a loud voice ... buy new ear-muffs !!

The 3 Ms ... yeah, they would make good screensavers !!

Take care, Meow

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Michael ... you snuck in whilst I was commenting, sorry ... I haven't forgotten you. Yes, their colouring is beautiful, and yes, I am hooked ... What's New Pussycat !!
Take care, Meow


These are all lovely photos of cats.
Thanks for the visit.

srp said...

I really like the one with the singing kitty... so cute. It is so hard to catch them with their mouths wide open.

Puss-in-Boots said...

All those kittens and cats, yawning, smiling and yowling...terrific pictures, Meow!

Have a great week.

Anonymous said...

Too cute! I love the little fuzzy one on the piano. I love little kittens so much anyway.

Have a great day!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Very cute photos! Thanks for sharing. :)

Jeanette said...

Hi Meow
you got some cute cat pics here. Take care

eyes_only4him said...

ok, I try just about daily to get here, and I can NEVER get your page to load, then BAM, it opend today..I must be gonna drop dead today or something..

cute kitties;)

Jodi said...

So cute!! I love them all!!

Have a great Tuesday!

FelineFrisky said...

We call them big stinky yawns at our house! LOL

Wide eyed and bushy-tailed these kittens are! LOL Thanks! D :)

Luna und Luzie said...

Very cute photos!!! Nice to show us !!
Have a nice day :-)

DK & The Fluffies said...

LOL - cute kitties

Justine said...

how come they are ALL so cute? they never cease to amaze me.

On the catteries front: we have a friend who is going to be around, and told us she is more than happy to drop by each day and loook after the babies! We are going to leave some yummies in the fridge for her and a bottle of wine to take home. Problem solved! She has two cats herself, so we know she is suitably understanding.

Alex said...

those were great!

kuanyin333 said...

There's nothing as funny as a cat with it's mouth open! Why this is I don't have a clue.Good post!

Anonymous said...

Those cats look very innocent, but I don't know if they can be trusted

TorAa said...

This is top of the week, so far. Do I need Miuaaw more;))

PS. Excuse me, for being on the cybercruise - with the shipcats (Manx).

david santos said...

Very, very very nice. Thank you

Carole Burant said...

They all have such characters! lol Loved every picture:-) xox

The Lazy Iguana said...

The last photo looks like Fred did when he was little. Before he turned into a fat orange blob with feet.

Ingrid said...

You should have a look on my "meowless Wednesday" !

Diane@Diane's Place said...

Love the cat pics!

It's taken me a bit, but I'm gradually catching up and visiting all my blogging friends. Hope you're enjoying your new job and still find time for your blogging.



Justine said...

i just had another look at the cat's tongue photo, but enlarged it. It is really incredible!

LoraLoo said...

Great cat pictures!!

Hope you are having a wonderful day!

Anonymous said...

)Meow! Since you are an Aussie cat lover you should check out this site:

Gwen said...

Hi Meow.
Great pussy cat shots.
Have a great week-end xoxo

Meow (aka Connie) said...

Hi Everyone, glad you liked the pics !! I thought they might make you all smile.
Thanks for the comments, so many to reply to individually ... sorry.
Take care, Meow

Nerdine said...

odn't you just love kitties? adoreable - all of them.

Am still caught up in life, but though't i'd stop by and say hi. Haven't forgotten about you.