Another Update
Hi There,
Well, once again I have been slack, and it's been two whole months since my last post ... but it has been a busy two months (although that is no excuse !!).
So, what have I been up to ???
I have been very busy in my role as Casual / Relieving School Crossing Supervisor, being rostered on for crossings most mornings and afternoons ... this usually amounts to a total of an hour and a half per day (45 minutes am and 45 minutes pm), with about 6 hours break between ... plenty of time to do other things.
I had to buy myself a new laptop, as the old one died a painful death ... I love the new one, though, and am very happy with it !!
It is an Asus A53S Series, with Intel Core i5, running Windows 7, and , and is white (although it doesn't look real flash in this photo ... bad light !!). It's pretty cool !!!
I have been happily attending my classes ... Beginners Crochet, Patchwork & Creative Writing ... as well as attending fortnightly Patchwork workshops.
The Crochet classes are fun, they are run by a gorgeous older lady who used to have a crochet business, designing and producing garments and items for the rich and famous, as well as everyday people. She is amazing, and very talented. Fortunately, I am picking up the skills she is teaching quite quickly ... and am enjoying it immensely. In fact, I have gotten quite obsessed with crocheting. I have made a few hats / beanies, a pair of fingerless gloves, continue to work on a blanket I have been making for around 20 years, on and off, and am currently working on a scarf. I have also completed granny squares, which we are learning in class, and sampler squares, etc. I am constantly on the lookout for interesting patterns, and have found a couple I really like. I want to make a beautiful shawl I have the pattern for, and also a poncho (back to the 70s, yayyy !!!)
Three of the beanies I have made ... there is also a black one, no flowers, with a fold over edge
Elisabeth modeling her beanie and fingerless gloves
A Rasta Slouchy beanie
Bambi helping me crochet my blanket
Patchwork classes have been fun, I have been attending this class for about two and a half years now. We are currently working on a quilt as you go project ... unfortunately I haven't got any photos at this stage !! I think mine will be a table topper, rather than a quilt.
The fortnightly workshop is also great fun, and we have been working on a couple of projects ... last term was Tube Quilting ... I still need to put a border on my quilt top, then finish it all ... it looks good so far !!
I am putting a black border on this, and the backing is a black and colored floral fabric
We are now working on a project using curves, called Snakes Trails ... quite challenging, quite time consuming, quite fiddly, but very effective ... no photos at this stage, though. It should look awesome when it is done !!
In mid April, we went camping for a few days ... Elisabeth had the week off, prior to her birthday, and this is what she wanted to do. We headed to Lake Eildon, The Pines, and camped at Picnic Point. We took along one of her friends. It was a great few days. We managed to borrow a canoe, and the girls had a ball. We were fortunate with the weather, it was the last hurrah of Summer ... the weather was gorgeous (although chilly at night !!).
Baron Relaxing !!
Our campsite on the lake
The girls slept in the tent
Almost 18 and still playing with mud !!
Elisabeth turned 18 on the 20th April ... we had a party here at home, which turned out pretty good. Fortunately, she had invited a nice bunch of friends, there was no trouble, and everyone (including us parents / family / grown ups !!) had a great night. Some of the kids went out afterward, and continued partying at a club.
Me, my dad, Elisabeth, my mum, Baron ... Elisabeth's 18th Birthday Party
Mothers Day was last week ... we went out to lunch with my parents at The Ringwood Club. It was a lovely afternoon. I got some nice pressies from my family.I had a doctor's appointment last week, as I have been suffering from back problems (most likely stemming from my fall on Kangaroo Island last year). Seems I have Sciatica, and am on anti-inflammatories at the moment, which are helping somewhat, although not fully. I have another appointment next week, where we will re-assess the problem, and possibly look further. It is a very painful thing, although from my point of view, I am fortunate that it is only at night (at this stage), and my days are relatively pain free. Oh well, I guess if I have to live with it, I just have to ... There are plenty of people out there worse off than me !!
We went out to dinner with my parents on Wednesday night, as it was my dad's birthday. We ate at the Wantirna Hill Club ... another lovely meal, and lovely evening. We came back here afterward for coffee, and watched the Celebrity Apprentice finale.
Yesterday I went to Castlemaine, to catch up with some long time Blog Friends ... Susan and Renata, and some other lovely ladies. It was a great day, I can't say I did a lot of crafting (which was what the day was all about), but I got to chat lots, and pick Susan's brain with some crochet and quilting guidance. Susan suggested I join Ravelry, which is an online community for Crocheters and Knitters ... it seems like a great place to play ... although another big time eater-upperer (like Facebook !!). Oh well, I love stuff like this !!!
Hmmm, I think that's all for the moment ... if I think of anything else I will get back on here asap.
Enjoy life, be good to your loved ones and take care.
Till next time ...

Great post and love your hats - you should have a look at - its got similar hats which are all crocheted swell!
Thanks ... I checked out Zaini ... interesting, they've got some nice stuff.
it was lovely having you and Neko visit - and I DID warn you that RAvelry is an even bigger timesuck than FB !!
Yes, you did warn me, and you were sooo right !!! Oh well, another thing to play with on the computer can't be too bad, can it !?!?!?!
No wonder you haven't been in touch for us to meet up! Glad to see you posting on the blog again - it's nice to see what you've been up to:-)
Thanks, Gina ... I've been meaning to get in touch, but life is busy, busy, busy !! Thanks for dropping by and commenting. Hope to catch up soon xxxxx
Hi Connie ~~ Thanks for your comment. Lovely photo of you all at Elisabeth's 18th. How the time flys. I hope her life is going really well as yours seems to be. You have a life and family so don't have to blog so often. It's for ppl like me with no life outside. and others like me.
Peter is here with his daughter Vicki and we are all going out to lunch for my birthday with several others, so that should be fun. Peter will be 76 on 28th May, so Baron is in with us good guys. I hope Baron had a great day for his birthday, please tell him. Take care Connie and it was lovely to hear from you. I still feel good and had my hair done, so Peter is happier with how I look and feel. Much Love, Merle.
Hi Merle, thanks for visiting!! Hope you have a lovely time with Peter and Vicki, and enjoy your birthday celebrations. I will pass on your birthday wishes to Baron, thank you. Take care, dear friend xxxx
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