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Monday, September 03, 2007

Take care,


Gina E. said...

Awww, the dear little pet! How are you Connie? Yeah I know - busy! I wrote about being busy on Patra's Other Place - you motivated me!!

Anonymous said...

that is too cute!

Diane@Diane's Place said...

What a darlin' little furbaby! :-)

Hope all is well with you and yours, Connie.

Love and hugs,


Kyahgirl said...

hi Meow. That's a sweet kittie!

Unknown said...

And a Happy Hello back to you. May you have a purrrrrrrrrrrr-fect day.

Lee said...

Hi Connie...I've been as bad as you these, past few days. I'm trying to catch up with everyone's blogs. I'm puffed! ;)

Devil Mood said...

Take care Meow :)
Is Spring coming near your way?

Carole Burant said...

How can that kitty help but put a smile on our faces:-) Connie, I received the cd you sent me and omigosh, it's fantastic!!! THANK YOU so much for it!!!! I know a lot of hard work was put into it and I was just thrilled to see 3 of my requests included in it:-) xoxo

Dr. Deb said...

Hey there!
Busy-ness comes and goes for us all!

Val said...

Yep, somehow those part time jobs can take up more time than expected. That's what's happened to my one Monday morning and every second Saturday morning job - last week I worked 4 days, so less time for blogging. But I'm still reading, commenting, and thinking about you!

Jeanette said...

Hi Connie, A very Happy Hello to you also,

Anonymous said...

Who couldn't smile after seeing that picture.
Hope you are doing well.
Take care,

Greeneyes said...

Hello Meow,
I miss you , life is so busy these days isnt it , we will catchup soon ,LOL

Sending Hugs from across the sea.
Summers coming your way , I feel the fridge air coming my way .:0(

JM said...

Happy Hello!

Clare said...

Aww that is cute Meow. Hope all is well with you and the weather is warming up.
Look forward to catching up soon.


Thriftin' Gal @ Junk In My Trunk said...

Hello to you too Meow! Take it easy and post when you can :) ((hugs to you))

Anonymous said...

I'm 2 days late but I'm waving hello ;)

Heidi said...

oops..That was me..My link didn't work.

stinkypaw said...

cute! You have yourself a puurfect week! =^..^=

Ingrid said...

Looks like my Rosie only another color ! Once you have time you should look at her she has become a Teenager , lol ! First (spayed) boyfriend !

Jean-Luc Picard said...

Very cute. Happy Hello to you, Connie.

Anonymous said...

I hope you're having a great week!

Puss-in-Boots said...

Hi Connie, Good to know you're still around, albeit very busy.

Love the little photo.

Take care.

SnowWhite said...

you know, as badly as I am alergic to cats, nearly anaphylactic. I still think they look like the cutest wee things. My girls love playing with any friends cats, obviously we have dogs lol, either that or a half dead me lol. Hope all well with you Meow..
take care

Alex said...


Alex said...

ps : i tried signing the guest book but it wouldnt access it for me.

Renae said...

Happy hello back to you Connie!! Hope all is well with you. How goes the work load? Did you manage to get all your photo's and exam's and paperwork and Travel course taken down from a huge mound to a small pile? LOL !! You are so busy. Take care and have a relaxing day today!! Don't get to overwhelmed with the work load, it will burn you out real quick. Take care!

Greeneyes said...

whats up pussy cat ? whoooo ohhhh ohhh a oh,,,,ok lame but you get it !
Hope all is well with my Queen
love Sweet Friend
HUGZ too !
and thank you for the lovely Cd and Book , your a Sweetheart !


Belizegial said...

With all that's been happening over here in the tropics (2 hurricanes and a mid-week flooding), I am thankful to be back in the blogosphere tonight. Good luck with your busy schedule, my friend.

Have a purrfect week,

Jenn said...

hello there

Cisco said...


Unknown said...

There's only one MEOW and she rocks!!!!!! :D)!!

Anonymous said...

just letting you know... I miss you!

Saur♥Kraut said...

:D I signed the guest book.

Unknown said...

One day, I'd love to have a TV crew show up at your door with Tom Jones and catch your reaction! Of course we both know what he'd be singing as he handed you flowers, right? :)

eyes_only4him said...

stopping by to say hello...hope all is well;)