I Am Still Here ... Only Not As Often !!
Hello everyone,
I owe another huge apology ... last post I promised I would get around to visit everyone, but once again I haven't. It's not that I don't want to, I really do. I just can't seem to get the time to sit and blog for hours like I used to. I am really, really busy ... life is a whirlwind. I haven't even been able to give my Travel Writing course the time it needs ... I have to finish all the assignments and exams by next week Thursday ... OMG !! I am also putting together a photo story DVD of my parent's photos from Germany ... all 1400+ of them ... adding transitions and music and stuff !! This will take some time, but is fun to do. Then I am working most weeks 3 days ... Monday, Wednesday, Friday. I don't know how you all do it, those of you who work full-time
Anyway, I guess I just wanted to say hi to you all (as the little photo show above shows), and let you know I am still alive. I will get back to regular blogging eventually, and I will try to drop by to visit as often as I can. Please don't forget me ... I appreciate all the friendships I have made via blogging ... you are all amazing people
Till next time
Take care, hugs to you all,

Girl, you take on far too much stuff! No wonder you haven't been blogging. Even that lion slideshow would have taken time (but I enjoyed it immensely).
But just do what you have to do, as long as you are enjoying.
I know just what you mean, Connie. I have Emmy 5 days a week and it's really taking more time than I thought one little baby would take. I'd forgotten, I guess. It's really cutting into my blogging time for sure!
Glad all is well with you. Life comes before blogging, and I for one understand completely.
Love and hugs,
Enjoy life!—there’s more to it than blogging, you know. (Did I just commit a mortal sin?)
I understand busy. I seem to suffer from the same problem but I guess it really is good. I don't have enough time to be bored nor to get in trouble! Write here and drop in when you can- you will always be appreciated.
No worries , how could we ever forget you , never gonna happen my Queen . I myself have been triple buzy and blogging has been a rare thing lately for me but we do what we can ,and their is only one of you , we will wait patiently and take what time you can spare and love ya just the same .Relax and take some time for you ,you sound over run , and working too hard .
HUGS and Love
We won't forget you dear. Enjoy whatever you are doing, whilst you're doing it, and don't get agitated about the things you can't manage at the moment. The photo record of your parents' holiday should be wonderful, and fun to do.
Take care.
Connie, life is what happens when you're making other plans...like preparing to blog...lol!
Busy lady, but you'll get everything done...it's amazing what motivation pressure is.
Have a good week (says she, tongue in cheek).
Funny you should write about being busy. An Australian writer (Hugh Mackay) has just published a book about we Aussies, after studying us all for 30 years. He was interviewed on ACA tonight and one of the things he said was most striking about people today is that everyone is so BUSY. We are all in a state of perpetual busyness, and he blames technology. He's right I guess!
BIG pout!!
1400 pictures is a LOT!!
Girl we all get busy! Take care of yourself and your family and we all know you'll visit us when you can...until then....we're here. Not going anywhere. We love ya!
Enjoy it while you can!
Hi Connie, hey I don't DO anything and I still run out of time most days, just keep pluggin' away and you'll get 'er done.
It is the same thing with me. Last time I blogged was last MOnday (20).
Finally I got a chnace to sit and blog/visit some...
Take care
MEOW! (((HUGS))) from Los Angeles, California!
Not enough hours in the day ehhh :(
Stay well :o)
Glad to see you even for a few minutes.... Everyone is busy as little bees. I post when I can.
But everytime I sit down at the pc, I go to sleep. Oh well.....nice naps. LOL.
We will see you when you can make it.We understand busy.
Take care and God bless.
Cute post! THANKS! ~ jb///
Hi Connie ~~ Good to hear that all is well, your parents home safely and
you lead a busy life, so don't worry about blogging - we sure won't forget you. Don't push yourself too hard.
Looking forward to meeting you about the 24th. I'll let you know for sure and if that suits you. Take care my friend, Much love, Merle.
Hi Connie, Loved your slide show as Val said it all takes time, im on my own and now new bowling season started im finding there not enough hours in the day.. Take care and looking forward to meeting up at Merles.
Busy girl you are!! I know how you feel, understandable about the slow blogging. I'm at fault for that myself lately as well. Just popped by to say hello's and have a happy Blessed weekend !! Cheers !
Take your time ! If necessary I wait until your retirement then you have more time then enough for blogging, lol !
Have a great long weekend..Enjoy!
sometimes being busy is a good thing. I could stand to be busier sometimes... I need to get a life!
You sound very busy. I am glad you are enjoying your time. The photo DVD sounds exciting. I am sure it will be awesome.
I have missed you sooooooo much!
My health is better.
We had a tornado hit us last Sunday. We just got our power restored on Saturday. I will try to catch up on the posts I missed here over the past few months.
Huggles and Love,
Hope your schedule clears up soon chicky, I know how you feel, since Noah I have had to book help in the house to sneak into the shower. The joys of being a busy busy mum. Makes you cherish the quiet times doesn't it lol.
As if we could ever forget you :). I'm always in awe of how you manage to juggle so many things.
Look forward to hearing from you when you get a moment to blog.
Hey Connie.. I wanted to stop by and say "hi." Hope all is well with you.. I know you are busy.. I like the lion pics... :) Have a good weekend... Cecil
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