Chicky at Healesville Sanctuary
Hi Everyone,
Hope you have been having a great week. Mine has been fairly quiet ... I worked Monday and Wednesday, went grocery shopping Thursday, and spent a lot of time reading. I have had a nice, lazy-type week !!
Chicky, however, after being unwell on Tuesday, recovered nicely, and was able to attend a planned school excursion to Healesville Sanctuary.
"Healesville Sanctuary is only an hour from Melbourne, but a visit there will take you closer to Australia’s unique wildlife than you ever thought possible. Featuring wild encounters and unique experiences with Australian wildlife amongst the sights, sounds and scents of the stunning bushland surrounds."
Healesville is one of 3 stunning zoos here in Melbourne ... Melbourne Zoo and Werribee Open Range Zoo are the other two. Healesville is full of amazing Australian wildlife, and there are many opportunities for interaction with the animals and birds.
Chicky was one of a group of 16 year 7 and 8 students who attended on the day, chosen from amongst those who had a "High Achiever or Honours" level in their Grade Point Averages. The school subsidised the day, so we only had to pay $10. This included a teaching program ...
Predator! The Devil in Peril: Years 7 & 8
Investigating the facial tumour disease in Tasmanian Devils
Students investigate the complexity of issues surrounding the endangered Tasmanian Devil and the impact of the facial tumor disease. How do we identify a diseased Devil? What scientific and veterinary investigations can we apply? How do we recognise diseased tissue?What impact would it have on the food chain if the Devil as a top order predator became extinct? What solutions to the problem can students develop and suggest? How can the captive breeding program at Healesville Sanctuary help? Students are challenged to examine all the issues and investigate the disease at the Australian Wildlife Health Centre.
Apparently this disease is making a huge dent in the population of Tasmanian Devils, and will quite possibly wipe them out, if a solution cannot be found. Chicky told me of some really sad photos that were displayed, showing these poor animals suffering from this disease. It sounds like a very cruel disease. As much as they are really ugly, smelly, strange little animals, they deserve as much of a chance of a good life as any other.
The kids had a wonderful day, and Chicky took a bucket-load of photos. Here are just a few of them for your enjoyment ...
(Red Kangaroos)
(Chicky and a wallaby)
(A Dingo)
(A couple of nosey Emus)
(A Wedge Tailed Eagle)
(A Tasmanian Devil)
The birds of prey presentation was amazing. You get to sit in an ampitheatre type area, and trained birds ... eagles, owls, and various others ... fly overhead, swooping down to catch the mice and other food that their trainers have for them. It is quite common to feel the bird's wings touch your head, as they swoop low.
It was a very long day ... they left from school at 7.30am, returning at around 5pm. Chicky sure did sleep well that night !!!
So, my friends, it is Friday afternoon, just after 1.30pm as I write. I would like to wish you all a wonderful weekend ... hope the weather, wherever you are, is good (not too hot, or not too cold). Enjoy your days off (if you are not working), and have a good time.
Take care,

I'm glad Chicky got to go to the sanctuary. And that's a great selection of Australian animal photos.
Mel and I belong to the Friends of the Zoo, and we go to the Melbourne Zoo a lot (it's first class!), but we should go out to the sanctuary more often, such a nice drive. I remember the birds of prey display from years ago, they really are impressive birds.
Hi Connie,
Love the photos Chicky took, she takes after her mum. Tell her well done from me. Glad you had a nice quiet week, wish I could say the same. WE have Sharks Deb tomorrow although I took him to the doctors today and she told us to forget it. He still has a fever and is very unwell! He has been put on strong antibiotics but the doc. says they will take 24hrs to start working. Poor Kid I have never seen him so sick.
Anyways take care have a great weekend luv me
Lovely photos Chicky took, sounds like a lovely day, although I don't like the idea of birds swooping so close to me. That would totally freak me out!
The CD arrived today, Connie, thank you so very much...the songs look just wonderful. It's a lovely gift to treasure.
Hugs xoxo
Hi Meow
Pleased chicky was well enough to go to Healesville Sanctuary. and love all the photo's she has taken.
My C.D Arrived today thank you so much I have played it a few times and love the selection... Sending Big Hugs your way. ((((HUGS))))
I loved the pictures, Connie. I've always wanted to visit Australia, but it will probably never happen. Your personal pictures are much more "real" than the posed ones we tend to see.
Glad you had a restful week, and Happy Weekend! It's still Friday morning, almost 10 am here.
Love and hugs,
Hi from WA been to Healsville several years ago & loved it. Though you may be interested in our blog about our wildlife conservation sanctuary near Margaret River httpp:// or if coming over to WA one day staying in our accommodation at as all sanctuary work is funded from our accommodation, regards Joy
I wanna go! I love the zoo.OUr tri p to the zoo got post poned due to very muggy hot weather. Glad hers was nice.
There is actually a zoo in Ky called Kentucky Down grandchildren went on a field trip last spring, they loved it! They are homeschooled by my daughter who does a very good job with them!
Chicky took some lovely photos. So sad about the Tasmanian devil, was not aware of this.
Take Care Meow and have a great weekend!
Hi Connie...I'm glad Chicky bounced back so quickly. I particular love that pic of the wedge-tailed eagle. What magnificent creatures they are.
Have a great weekend. :)
Hi Meow.
Great shots of Healesville Sancuary
well done Chicky,glad you're feeling better.
God the last time I was at Healesville I left my sons nappy
hanging on a fence to dry,that son is now {46}.
Stay Well Meow xoxo
Hi Connie
Val came over this afternoon and delivered your CD as well as a gorgeous little handmade book { I am soooooo spoiled ]
Thankyou again for the time and effort you put into this project ... SO much music!
Sounds like a great day for Chicky, and some good photos as a result. It would be wonderful to see those huge birds of prey going through their paces.
Wonderful display of photos. Hope you are doing well.
Hi Connie, thank you for the CD, it arrived Friday and is a treasure, you went to so much trouble and did a great job of it.
I remember some of those animals from this cartoon my sister loved when she was younger--"Dot and the Kangaroo".
Have a great weekend!
What great pictures!!! Looks like she had a ton of fun. I've been awal for the past few weeks due to computer problems. Now I'm back !!! Just wanted to pop in and say a quick hello to you, I havn't been neglecting you, LOL !!! I was promised new equipment from my internet provider which they never sent!!! GRRRR! Now I'm back, Yippee!! Cheers!
Hi Connie,
This sanctuary looks like a great place for a school field trip! How wonderful that you have three zoos so nearby. Our nearest is in San Francisco.
Loved seeing all the photos..
oh my gosh! what fabulous photos...i particularly love the one of the "roos"
cheers for now,
Oh I love those pictures :)
The Dingo is so cute - I'd never seen one so cute. Are they tamed usually? Or really wild and mean? grooowaaa :)
Hi Connie ~~ Glad Chicky had a ggod day at Healesville. I took a Dutch visitor there a few years ago on a very hot day and all the animals were flat out and we could hardly see them. And as a child at Dixons Creek
I was taken there with a school group and like an idiot put a finger i a
cockatoo's cage and the B.thing bit my finger to the bone. The photos were great - it is a lovely place.
Take care, my friend, Love, Merle.
Nice photos, Chicky! Is it the first time she has been there, Connie? Ken and I used to be Friends Of The Zoo, but when I quit full time work, I had to cut out a lot of my memberships, and that was one, so we haven't been to either of the Zoos as much as we used to. Healesville is only a 40 minute drive from our place; your write up has motivated me to get in Ken's ear about another visit soon!
Hi Meow
Those are great photos and it was good to see what a Dingo looks like. What a fab place to have so near you. Glad Chicky was well enough to go :).
Hope you had a lovely weekend.
Hi Connie -- Just a short note to say thank you for posting the picture of the Tasmanian Devil.
I have never seen one and don't remember seeing a picture of one.
This one looks similar to our possums but a prettier color.
I was visiting Merle, she and Peter mentioned you. You have very pleasant blogs.
So glad Chicky started to feel better. Thanks so much for sharing her photos with us. She really got some good shots.
Hope your weekend went well.
When I stopped by your temp said 39 that's a bit nip. Here right now it's 70, but not for long since it's only 10 am.
me again!
i would like some help "spreading the word" about the unethical practices of the Landmark Corporation. Could you help?
These shots remind me of the little zoo we visited outside of Sydney. I think it was called Ferndale? Thanks for the memory flashback of our trip downunder. ~ jb///
Hi again Connie ~~ Just a quick message to tell you I have passed on a Nice Matters Award to you, Connie from Connie & Rob gave it to me.
I will have to ask Peter to put the thingo on for me. You have to pass it on to 8 others. Hope all is well
with you. Take care, Love, Merle.
i hope everyone is having a wonderful summer!
Hi meow
Chicky can take a great pic can't she ! she did a great job . What a fantastic place to visit , and it shows here that her hard work in school and getting her "High Achiever or Honours" paid off for her in more than one way !
I hope your well and happy and having some fun and getting in those lazy day reads I am so jealous about , LOL
HUGS and "WUV"
Friends from across the sea
Those are wonderful pix of the animals, I would give anything to visit that zoo in person! :)
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